The ESHNR was founded in January 1987 by a small group of radiologists interested in Head and Neck Radiology, Jacqueline Vignaud, Hermann Wilbrand, Brigitte Appel, Klaus Reisner and Peter Phelps were among them.

The purposes of ESHNR are:
– to advance knowledge in the field of Head and Neck Diagnostic Radiology, Interventional Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging,
– to stimulate interest in the field of Head and Neck Radiology,
– to promote research in Head and Neck Radiology,
– to improve methods of teaching radiologic diagnosis of diseases of the Head and Neck,
– to improve meetings for the presentation of papers and the dissemination of knowledge,
– to foster the continuing development of Head and Neck Radiology as a science.

Membership of ESHNR is open to any qualified individual of high professional reputation who has made significant contribution to Head and Neck Radiology and/or who devotes a significant portion of his/her time to the study of diseases of the Head and Neck. Since 1988 an Annual European Meeting has been organised by different members of the Society, each time in a different country. In the past (every three years) the society met jointly with the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR), alternating in the USA or in Europe. Most meetings are dedicated to selective items each year and consist of keynote lectures, scientific papers and posters. Prizes for the most outstanding oral and/or poster presentation are offered by ESHNR. Management of ESHNR is in the hands of the Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Past-President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, four Fellows, one Fellow at large, the Meeting President and the Pre-Meeting President , elected on a three year cycle. The Executive Committee presents its recommendations to the membership at an annual general meeting, at which all paid-up members in good standing have voting rights.